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ACCESSIBILITY TOOLSOur 2,400 volunteers every year bring food and comfort to older adults in our community. Together we’ve done a lot. But there’s always more to do.
VolunteerWe proudly serve our healthy meals to anyone over the age of 60, regardless of immigration or refugee status, ethnicity/race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or income status.
Get MealsMore than 2/3 of our annual operating budget comes from individual donors, community partners, businesses, and more. There are a variety of ways you can support our program to ensure we can continue to deliver to our homebound elderly.
Ways to GiveIn addition to our home delivery service, we have operated dozens of dining centers throughout Multnomah, Washington, and Clark counties for over 50 years. We invite all older adults to come and enjoy fresh, healthy lunches Monday through Thursday.
I would like to say thank you to all at Meals on Wheels People. I appreciate all the heartfelt, caring, and compassionate things you do for me each week. I look forward to greeting my Meals on Wheels delivery man, John, every Monday. He makes me feel like I truly have made a friend for life!
Celebrating five years in 2024, The Diner Vancouver serves more than just a meal. Learn more about Meals on Wheels People’s innovative approach to senior dining.…
Discover the inspiring journey of Meals 4 Kids, a Meals on Wheels People program funded by the Portland Children’s Levy, as it celebrates 10 years of delivering nutritious meals to families in need. …
Overcoming a tumultuous past, Jordan found hope and healing with the support of Meals on Wheels People, redefining the meaning of family and community.…
We’re committed to helping seniors maintain their independence by providing them with nutritious food, human connections, and social support. $.84 cents of every dollar we make goes straight into providing meals and support.
See Our Annual ReportWe are committed to making sure vulnerable seniors receive the nutrition they need in the safest possible manner.
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